Course Highlights

About the Program
Data shows that Google processes over 99,000 searches every single second, which makes more than 8.5 billion searches a day. Well, it just proves that we are all constantly curious. That is exactly why search engines exist: to make our lives easier, and to quench our never-ending thirst for information. But how does a particular website or link get to be on top of the list when you search for something? That is because companies use something called Search Engine Optimization.
This course has been designed to help you formulate a strong understanding of Search Engine Marketing and how it works for a business or brand looking to leverage its power to promote its products and services.
We will take you through in-depth modules that will change the way you look at search engines forever. You will be given the most recent and practical examples to help build your own methods of utilizing software and tools alongside the course timeline. By the end of this course, you will have the confidence to combine all your learning and start a Pay-per-click campaign on your
Understand and unleash the potential of Google Ads with this Learn by Yourself course that you can go through at your preferred time and pace. With the latest mechanisms such as organic and paid search, you will have an added advantage in showcasing your marketing skills that will truly secure your position for job-related requirements. You will discover the fundamentals and importance of different ad networks and types of campaigns and extensions, key ad metrics such as Quality score and Ad rank, and finally, learn about various bidding strategies and conversion tracking that help run ads on the search engine effectively.
This course will,
- Empower you with the concepts of Search Engine Marketing
- Help you with the Need for Search Engine Marketing
- Formulate a deeper understanding of various bidding strategies and which one to choose
- Learn about ad extensions and other ad ranking parameters such as Quality score and Ad Rank
- Learn about Remarketing campaigns and their uses and, understand Conversions and their importance
We hope that you will gain the required knowledge from this program and demonstrate the skills learnt.
All the best!
This module will enable you to understand Search Engine Marketing and its components in an easy manner. You will formulate a deep understanding about how to rank websites on the search engine organically or through paid advertising.
This module will enable you to take a peek inside the working and key parameters of the Google Ads platform. You will understand the campaign structure, types of campaigns, search and display network campaigns and more.
This module will take you through major ad metrics in Google Ads. You will learn about how Ad auction work, Ad positions and ad ranking parameters.
This module focuses on helping you to understand major bidding strategies and how to track conversions in Google Ads. You will also get a peek into setting up remarketing campaigns and how do they work.
Frequently Asked Questions
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We are working hard to provide you this, but currently this facility is unavailable. We will keep you updated on the same.
When you complete a paid Learn by Yourself course, for most of them, you will receive a certificate of participation, which you can share on LinkedIn/other social media. Certificates will help demonstrate your accomplishments.
There is a specific period to access and complete the Course, which varies based on the Course you have enrolled into. Currently, lifetime access is unavailable for any of EduBridge's Courses.
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You can connect with the Support Team in the following ways : - By raising a Ticket from your Login Page via clicking the Help option. - Write to us on, or call us on 18001201193. - Connect via chat or WhatsApp on our website.